Taurin For Cats

KD 5.500

Taurine for cats to maintain eyesight and support heart function

100 grams

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SKU: 229505 Category:

TAURIN for cats
A daily nutritional supplement for cats, prevent deficiencies, strenghens the heart and the eye sight

Taurin is a sulfuric amino acid contained in all animal body cells. Cats can not produce taurine themselfs. Taurin is essential for cats and must be provided with the meals. Taurin promotes the metabolism, strenghens the bodily defense, support the eyesight as well as the heart function and improves skin and coat. Valuable B-vitamins minerals and enzymes are provided by the added brewers yeast.

Canina® TAURIN FOR CATS works:

metabolically stimulating
strengthens the immune system
supports vision
supports heart function
improves the skin
improves the coat

Lack of taurin causes:

degeneration of the retina, blindness
reproductive disorder
growth depression for kitten
neurological disorder for kitten
weakening of the defense system
spinal deformation
negative bloodflow properties
Trade size: 100g

Composition / Ingredients / Additives:

Composition: Yeast

Ingredients: Protein 83.8%, fat contant 1.6%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 6.6%

Nutritional physiological additives per kg: 700g Taurin

Feeding recommandation per animal and day:
Adult cat up to 6kg: ½ teasponn
Adult cat over 6kg: 1 teaspoon
Kitten, young cat, pregnant and lactating cat: 1 teaspoon

(1 teaspoon = approx. 5g)

Mix and moisten Canina® TAURIN for cats with daily feed.

Canina® TAURIN for cats is optimally mixed for cats and highly digestible. Regardless of feeding type, moist, dry or raw (B.A.R.F.), supplementing geed with taurine is advisable. A overdosage is harmless and will be excreted by the body.